
Who am I?

My name is Jaime Gil de Sagredo (jotahacker). I was born in Spain on 1991 (like the GPLv2 license) and I am studying Telecommunications Engineering at UAH. I like computers and new technologies. Follower of Software Libre.

I am software developer. My last project is Nhopkg, an universal package manager for unix like operating systems. This package manager is one step to create a GNU/Linux distribution from scratch and 100% Software Libre. Nhopkg is written in Bash but now I am working to write it in Python.

If you want to know more about me, you could read an interview in Pillateunlinux. (Spanish only)

How can you contact me? (I hate spam)


My gpg key is 2048-bit RSA key with ID 7E927813 (pgp.rediris.es).


Creative Commons License
La web de Jotahacker by Jaime Gil de Sagredo’s Blog is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No comercial-Sin obras derivadas 3.0 España License.
Based on a work at jotahacker.es.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://jotahacker.es/.

Solo Un Comentario

  1. jk ha dicho:

    5 junio 09 a las 16:26

    Nice to meet you! ;)